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So far Duncan Smith has created 29 blog entries.

Heatwave – PE Kit

By |2025-01-30T07:05:24+00:00July 7th, 2022|

Dear Parents/Carers, From tomorrow (Friday 8th July), through until the end of next week, we are set to experience very high temperatures and minimal cloud coverage. Therefore we will be relaxing our uniform policy and if students prefer to wear PE kit (trainers, black shorts and white t-shirts) rather than school uniform they can [...]

Governors Newsletter Issue 2

By |2025-01-30T07:14:24+00:00June 27th, 2022|

We are very pleased to provide a link to the second issue of 'Branching Out', our new Governors Newsletter. The newsletter is provides some updates on the work our Governors have been undertaking to support the school. Please click the link to view the newsletter in .pdf format. View Governors Newsletter [...]

New Multi-Sport Goals

By |2025-01-30T07:27:57+00:00March 24th, 2022|

As part of upgrading our outside play space at the Totton Site, we have had a set of multi-sport goals installed. These will allow students and staff to take part in a wider range of sport activities at break times as well as enhance our PE lesson delivery when classes are not accessing the [...]

New Counselling Room

By |2025-01-31T07:10:38+00:00March 23rd, 2022|

Over the half-term holiday our amazing maintenance team managed to build a new office and entrance area in our upstairs pastoral space. The office was created to provide our school counsellor with a dedicated space to work from and we are sure you will agree it is already looking fantastic and a welcoming space [...]

Governors Newsletter Issue 1

By |2025-01-31T07:57:14+00:00March 18th, 2022|

We are very pleased to provide a link to the first issue of 'Branching Out', our new Governors Newsletter. The newsletter is designed as a way of letting parents/carers, students and staff know a little more about our Governors and the work they have been doing. Please click the link to view the newsletter [...]

18/03/2022 – Fawley Science Week

By |2022-03-22T15:01:33+00:00March 18th, 2022|

During British Science Week on the theme of growing, KS2 looked at 'The Promise' by Nicola Davis and explored the themes of new life, growth and new beginnings. The story sparked some great discussions. There were also several experiments carried out: looking at how fast spring onions can grow in different circumstances, creating slime [...]

15/03/2022 – COVID-19 Positive Cases

By |2022-03-15T10:01:51+00:00March 15th, 2022|

Dear Parents/Carers, Totton Positive Cases I am writing to make you aware that we are currently experiencing a swift rise in positive COVID-19 cases amongst staff and students at our Totton Site since the weekend. This is now beginning to impact on staffing levels. We have put in place 'step up measures' in the [...]

28/3/2022 – Dibden Development Progress

By |2022-03-22T15:43:53+00:00February 28th, 2022|

Over the half-term holiday further progress was made with the Dibden Development. The main corridor and entrance lobby was cleared, including the removal of some built in cupboards and an old doorway. This has made the corridor seem much brighter and spacious. New Oak doors were hung in various doorways and the addition of [...]

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