KS2 Maths
The KS2 maths curriculum is based on both the National Curriculum and the Hampshire Assessment Model. This gives a clear spiral structure to the learning which ensures the children are exposed to the different mathematical domains at regular intervals throughout the year. As a result, they are constantly revisiting, revising and developing their learning. Our curriculum is adaptable to the children’s individual needs and starting points, and often we teach the same domain at different levels to support progress for all students. We also use our daily interventions to develop basic number skills such as times tables and number bonds which are key to developing more advanced knowledge. Throughout each unit, statistics runs as a thread which involves the children working with data and a wide range of graphs, and using their mathematical knowledge to answer questions.
Number and Place Value
Within number and place value units, children learn to read, write and represent number in a variety of ways. They develop their knowledge of reading and writing numbers in digits and words, as well as recognising numbers up to ten million, which can be challenging! They also learn to round to the nearest significant figure including to the nearest hundredth, tenth and whole, ten, hundred, thousand and ten thousand. Number and place value knowledge underpins all other domains of mathematics, so it is always taught at the start of the year and revisited frequently.
Four Operations
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the core of mathematics and arithmetic is probably the domain we use most on a daily basis. Within our four operations curriculum, we teach formal written methods and mental methods with increasingly large numbers for this reason. This is secondary only to number and place value knowledge as being able to add, subtract, multiply and divide is relevant to all other mathematical domains. Children are taught to use a wide range of strategies including concrete, pictorial and abstract methods in order to develop fluency and mastery of manipulating number.
Most children find fractions challenging, and some struggle to see the relevance of fractions to real life, but in daily language we often refer to half, quarter or parts of a whole. We teach fractions in an engaging and practical way to help children access this topic.
Covering time, capacity, length and weight, measurement is another aspect of mathematics which is frequently used in every day life. In KS2, we teach measurement within real-life contexts and encourage the children to consider when this knowledge may be useful. This helps the children see the purpose behind their learning.
Geometry: Properties of Shape and Position and Direction
Certain aspects of geometry can pose challenges for learners, particularly accurately constructing 2D and 3D shapes, and plotting points of a polygon on a set of axes, but this domain is largely enjoyed by the children. Geometry is often overlooked as a mathematical domain in KS2, but recognising shapes in the world around us can help with spacial understanding and awareness.