Fawley News

Fawley News2022-03-17T10:28:23+00:00

Parent/Carer DDP Training

Dear Parent/Carer,

At New Forest School we have adopted and been training our school staff in the use of Dyadic Developmental Practice (DDP) as a way of supporting our students.

This is an ongoing process designed to eventually ensure all school staff have been trained to at least Level 1 standard with a number of key staff trained to Level 2 or above.

We are pleased to also be able to offer parents/carers the opportunity to join a 3 session training course designed to introduce DDP and equip you with the basic knowledge and principles of DDP.

The training will be delivered by members of our therapy team and DDP Core Group.

I have attached a flyer which outlines the basics of DDP and itinerary for the 3 training sessions.

More information about DDP can be found on the DDP Network website: www.ddpnetwork.org/about-ddp/dyadic-developmental-practice/

The training will take place on:
Tuesday 30th November      3:30pm – 5:00om
Tuesday 7th December         3:30pm – 5:00om
Tuesday 14th December       3:30pm – 5:00om

If you feel this would be of interest and like to attend the training, I would be grateful if you would complete the brief survey using the link below:


Duncan Smith
Executive Head Teacher
November 21st, 2022|Whole School Letters|

OFSTED Inspection Report

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to inform you that I have received our latest OFSTED report and share the fact that New Forest School has been judged as outstanding in all areas.

A copy of the report has been uploaded to the school website can can be viewed here:

The report will also be available on the OFSTED website in the next few days.

I am very proud of the judgement for our school which reflects the hard work and dedication from our students, staff, parents/carers and the wider school community.

Throughout the inspection a large number of our students were spoken to by the inspectors regarding a range of topics and the students positive feedback was humbling to hear as they are the focus of all that we do as a school.

I am also incredibly proud of the staff team who work so hard day in, day out to support our students. This report certainly reflects their dedication to our students and the school as a whole.

I would like to thank all those parents/carers who sent messages of encouragement, completed the OFSTED survey and/or spoke directly to the inspectors.

However, as I have shared with the staff team, whilst this report is a fantastic validation of what we continually strive to achieve as a school, it does not mean we can or should take our ‘foot off the pedal’. As a school we constantly reflect on how we can grow and provide better support and more opportunities for the students.  As such, every new day represents another opportunity to do more, another opportunity to develop and improve and another opportunity to help our students take the next step in their individual journeys.

Kind regards,


Duncan Smith


October 10th, 2022|Whole School Letters|

OFSTED Inspection Notification

Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to inform you that we have today been notified of an OFSTED inspection of New Forest School which will commence tomorrow, Wednesday 20th of September.

The link below is to a letter from the Lead Inspector, Shazia Akram, to all parents/carers regarding the OFSTED inspection.

The letter also invites parents to provide their view of the school via ParentView if they wish to do so. Parent View can be accessed via the link below:

We are very much looking forward to welcoming the inspectors and showing them all that we do at New Forest School.

Kind regards,


Duncan Smith


September 20th, 2022|Whole School Letters|

Queen Elizabeth II Funeral

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it has been confirmed that the State Funeral will be held on Monday 19 September, and that this day will be a Bank Holiday.

While the delivery of essential public services will continue during the period of National Mourning, including the Bank Holiday, schools and further education settings are not expected to remain open on this day. We will be closed on Monday 19th September. 

Normal attendance is expected throughout the period of National Mourning, other than the Bank Holiday; should you and your family wish to request absence for exceptional circumstances in connection with the National Mourning, or for any other reason, please contact the relevant school site or email: education@newforestschool.co.uk

Our admin team are contacting relevant transport companies to ensure they are aware of the closure.

Many thanks for your understanding.

Duncan Smith


September 13th, 2022|Whole School Letters|

Heatwave – PE Kit

Dear Parents/Carers,

From tomorrow (Friday 8th July), through until the end of next week, we are set to experience very high temperatures and minimal cloud coverage.

Therefore we will be relaxing our uniform policy and if students prefer to wear PE kit (trainers, black shorts and white t-shirts) rather than school uniform they can do so in order to be more comfortable whilst at school. With only two weeks remaining, we will keep this in place until the end of the summer term.

We will be reminding students to drink regularly, providing access to sun cream if they are on outside lessons/trips and suggest they bring hats to wear for outside lessons  – Outdoor Education, PE, Farm and any school trips planned. Students will be expected to remove hats indoors.

If you have any queries regarding this, please speak to your child’s tutor in the first instance.

Kind regards,

Duncan Smith


July 7th, 2022|Whole School Letters|

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