15/03/2022 – COVID-19 Positive Cases
Dear Parents/Carers,
Totton Positive Cases
I am writing to make you aware that we are currently experiencing a swift rise in positive COVID-19 cases amongst staff and students at our Totton Site since the weekend.
This is now beginning to impact on staffing levels.
We have put in place ‘step up measures’ in the form of:
- Staff wearing Type IIR Face Masks at all times
- Students being encouraged to wear face masks where they are able to.
- Daily LFT testing for all staff
- Students encouraged to complete daily LFT tests where they are able to.
- Use of classroom ventilation
- Clean down of all shared resources and work areas between lessons.
- Enhanced cleaning at the end of the school day including anti-bacterial fogging of the Totton Site
- Maintaining as much social distancing as possible
- Stopping all non-essential visits to the school site.
We have reported the outbreak to the Department for Education and are now working with Public Health England to ensure we take any action required.
Based on the current numbers of positive cases we have had to reduce the number of students attending the site today and switched to online learning for those impacted.
It is likely that we will need to switch to a part time timetable at Totton for the remainder of the week. Senior Leaders are looking at this now and will make contact with parents/carers directly via phone where this may be required.
We will obviously keep any disruption to the absolute minimum and prioritise attendance for Year 11 Students at all times in the lead up to their exams.
We will also look to rotate any remote learning to ensure students have the maximum face to face teaching.
Fawley & Dibden Sites
We also have a small number of positive cases within the staff teams at Dibden and Fawley Sites however this is not impacting on staffing levels at this time.
Increased LFT Testing for All Students
We will be sending additional LFT test kits home with all students today and would appreciate your support in testing your child daily for the remainder of this week if they you are able to.
Can I thank you all in advance for your support of the school at this time.
Kind regards,
Duncan Smith