OFSTED Inspection Notification
OFSTED Inspection Notification
Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to inform you that we have today been notified of an OFSTED inspection of New Forest School which will commence tomorrow, Wednesday 20th of September.
The link below is to a letter from the Lead Inspector, Shazia Akram, to all parents/carers regarding the OFSTED inspection.
The letter also invites parents to provide their view of the school via ParentView if they wish to do so. Parent View can be accessed via the link below:
We are very much looking forward to welcoming the inspectors and showing them all that we do at New Forest School.
Kind regards,
Duncan Smith
Queen Elizabeth II Funeral
Queen Elizabeth II Funeral
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, it has been confirmed that the State Funeral will be held on Monday 19 September, and that this day will be a Bank Holiday.
While the delivery of essential public services will continue during the period of National Mourning, including the Bank Holiday, schools and further education settings are not expected to remain open on this day. We will be closed on Monday 19th September.
Normal attendance is expected throughout the period of National Mourning, other than the Bank Holiday; should you and your family wish to request absence for exceptional circumstances in connection with the National Mourning, or for any other reason, please contact the relevant school site or email: education@newforestschool.co.uk
Our admin team are contacting relevant transport companies to ensure they are aware of the closure.
Many thanks for your understanding.
Duncan Smith
Heatwave – PE Kit
Heatwave - PE Kit
Dear Parents/Carers,
From tomorrow (Friday 8th July), through until the end of next week, we are set to experience very high temperatures and minimal cloud coverage.
Therefore we will be relaxing our uniform policy and if students prefer to wear PE kit (trainers, black shorts and white t-shirts) rather than school uniform they can do so in order to be more comfortable whilst at school. With only two weeks remaining, we will keep this in place until the end of the summer term.
We will be reminding students to drink regularly, providing access to sun cream if they are on outside lessons/trips and suggest they bring hats to wear for outside lessons – Outdoor Education, PE, Farm and any school trips planned. Students will be expected to remove hats indoors.
If you have any queries regarding this, please speak to your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Kind regards,
Duncan Smith
Governors Newsletter Issue 2
Governors Newsletter
We are very pleased to provide a link to the second issue of ‘Branching Out’, our new Governors Newsletter.
The newsletter is provides some updates on the work our Governors have been undertaking to support the school.
Please click the link to view the newsletter in .pdf format.
New Multi-Sport Goals
New Multi Sport Goals
As part of upgrading our outside play space at the Totton Site, we have had a set of multi-sport goals installed. These will allow students and staff to take part in a wider range of sport activities at break times as well as enhance our PE lesson delivery when classes are not accessing the Leisure Centre.
New Counselling Room
New Counselling Room
Over the half-term holiday our amazing maintenance team managed to build a new office and entrance area in our upstairs pastoral space. The office was created to provide our school counsellor with a dedicated space to work from and we are sure you will agree it is already looking fantastic and a welcoming space for students who spend time with the school counsellor.